Learn with me: What is Montreal Force Aligner open source tool

Stan Kirdey
3 min readMar 29, 2024

The Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA) is an open-source tool used for forced alignment of audio and text data.
Forced alignment is the process of automatically synchronizing the timing information (start and end times) of each word in a transcript with the corresponding audio signal.

example of CSV file that was generated by MFA from audio and audio transcript

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how the Montreal Forced Aligner works:

1. Data Preparation:
— The MFA takes two main inputs: audio files and their corresponding text transcripts.
— The audio files should be in a standard format, such as WAV or FLAC.
— The text transcripts should be in a plain text format, with one sentence or utterance per line.
— The audio and text files should be properly named and organized for the MFA to process them effectively.

2. Feature Extraction:
— The MFA uses acoustic features extracted from the audio files as input for the forced alignment process.
— These features typically include Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), which capture the spectral characteristics of the audio signal.
— The feature extraction process is performed using tools like Kaldi or PyWorld, which are integrated into the MFA.

3. Pronunciation Dictionary:
— The MFA requires a pronunciation dictionary that maps each word in the text transcripts to its corresponding phoneme sequence.
— The pronunciation dictionary can be provided by the user or automatically generated using a grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) model, such as the one included in the MFA.

4. Acoustic Model:
— The MFA uses a pre-trained acoustic model, which is a statistical model that represents the relationship between the acoustic features and the phonemes.
— The acoustic model is typically trained on a large corpus of speech data, such as the Switchboard or LibriSpeech datasets.
— The MFA supports different types of acoustic models, including Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs).

5. Forced Alignment:
— The forced alignment process uses the acoustic features, the pronunciation dictionary, and the acoustic model to find the most likely sequence of phonemes that best matches the audio signal.
— This is done using a dynamic programming algorithm, such as the Viterbi algorithm, which efficiently searches for the optimal alignment between the audio and the text.
— The output of the forced alignment process is a set of time stamps for each word in the transcript, indicating the start and end times of the corresponding audio segments.

6. Output and Visualization:
— The MFA outputs the aligned audio-text data in various formats, such as TextGrid (for use with tools like Praat) or CSV files.
— The MFA also provides tools for visualizing the alignment results, allowing users to inspect the accuracy of the forced alignment and make any necessary corrections.

MFA is a powerful, multi-lingual tool that is used in quite a few open source audio and speech projects - such as Amphion, FairSeq, VoiceCraft

MFA is available as python package via conda-forge repository —

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install montreal-forced-aligner

Working with speech and audio? Try it out!

