Does Elon Musk plan to live forever?

Stan Kirdey
2 min readMay 17, 2022


According to his investments, it looks this way.


  • Elon Musk invested in OpenAI — the company that is on a mission to achieve artificial general intelligence -basically a computer-based human-level intelligence. [source]
  • Elon Musk invested in Neuralink — ultra high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces. In one of the demos, Neurolink and Musk showed a little piggy with a neuro link embedded in its brain sending brain signals over the interface. [source]
  • Elon Musk is the chief executive officer of Tesla, a company that is not only manufacturing electric vehicles but also working on human-like robots and high-capacity battery systems that can support the robot's functionality. [source]

Looking at the above investments, it is possible to paint a sci-fi-like picture where Elon Musk's brain gets virtualized into a battery-powered android that uses a virtual brain based on artificial general intelligence by OpenAI.

Could it help achieve immortality? I guess. Or maybe, virtualized immortality. And as long as you don’t forget to plug yourself into the super-charger:-)

There is one more interesting aspect of the investments and statements Elon Musk made recently — human civilization needs to expand to other planets. And it seems a virtual version of a human can be a perfect candidate to help us settle in the stars. A version just like in the aliens’ movies.

Would be interesting to hear from Ridley Scott what are his thoughts on android robots and space exploration.

Prometheus —



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